Thursday, 4 September 2014

Task 2 - Applying Research Techniques

Quantitative GTA 5 Survey:
As a group, we created a quantitative survey based on the game GTA 5 using the online survey provider, Survey Monkey. We devised a survey that would gather information about the type of people who play GTA 5 and the aspects they like about the game.  
We started by brainstorming ten questions that seemed appropriate to found Out the type of people who play and enjoy GTA. 

After coming with a final range of questions, we implemented the questions into the online format using survey monkey.

We used various formats to present the questions such as drop down menus and multiple choice check boxes.

Qualitative Research: 
Similar to the Quantitative Research survey, I made a Qualitative survey designed to get more informative answers than the previous, Quantitative one.
I used similar questions but allowed the survey taker to be descriptive when answering
the questions with text boxes for them to write into, other than just multiple choice answers.

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